**Privacy Policy for Blender Assistant** Effective Date: November 24, 2023 This Privacy Policy outlines the information we do not collect and provides an overview of the usage of the Blender Assistant and endpoints accessible at `https://mano-wii-function-calling.hf.space/api/v1`. ### Information We Do Not Collect Blender Assistant does not collect the following information: - **Conversations**: The chat API used connects directly to OpenAI's servers, so only OpenAI has access to the conversations. - **Personally Identifiable Information**: The API does not gather personally identifiable information which includes IP or emails addresses. - **Cookies**: The API does not utilize cookies. ### API Description The API provide a chat and tools to provide assistance to Blender users. ## Tools: "/gpu_checker": Determine if a GPU model is supported by Blender. "/bpy_doc": Returns the documentation for a bpy python object or error description if not supported. "/get_issue": Get the title, body, user and assets of the current report on the page. "/get_messages": Get a list of all messages in the report. ### Your Consent By using the Blender Assistant API, you consent to our privacy policy as described herein. ### Changes to Our Privacy Policy If we decide to modify our privacy policy, we will update it and provide the revised version. This document is CC-BY-SA. It was last updated on November 19, 2023. For any questions or concerns regarding this privacy policy or the Blender 3D Information API, please contact us at grmncv@gmail.com.